This service allows you to ship major personal effects, such as household goods, and any commercial goods in the following 5 easy steps. Please note that some products, individuals, entities, businesses, and countries are restricted by the U.S. Government. Please see FAQ for more information.
Determine which of the following options is better suited for your needs and kindly specify the selected option when requesting a freight quotation from us:
Option One: Air Freight and Insurance with delivery at the airport as per quoted Incoterms.
Option Two: Air Freight Insurance, and customs clearance with delivery at the airport as per quoted Incoterms.
Option Three: Air Freight Insurance, customs clearance with delivery at the client's designated place of delivery as per quoted Incoterms.
Request a free proforma invoice with complete and detailed quotation for the air freight of your goods. Please ensure that a copy of the commercial invoice for your goods is submitted along with your request. Also, provide a complete delivery address if you selected Option three above.Responsibility
We will prepare and send a clear and detailed proforma invoice to you including payment and delivery terms. All shipping orders are prepaid.Responsibility
Pay the total amount on the proforma Invoice using one of the payment methods specified on the "Payment" page above.Responsibility
Upon receipt of your payment, we will make shipping arrangements for your goods on the next available flight. We will send the shipping documents to consignee by express courier as soon as they become available.Responsibility
After the goods have been shipped, LOGISTIQUExpress LLC will work closely with its clients to ensure smooth clearance and receipt of the goods. Our involvement will be based on the shipping option chosen in step one above. If you chose:
Option One: we will not clear the goods for you. However, we will ensure that you receive all the shipping documents needed for customs clearance.
Option Two: we will clear the goods for you and deliver the goods at the airport.
Option Three: we will clear the goods for you at the airport and deliver them to your designated location as per quoted Incoterms.
CLIENT in collaboration with LOGISTIQUExpress LLC